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​Play It By Ear! is a transition year mini-company, established since 2012 and is made up of four students, between the ages of 15 and 16, from Newbridge College, Kildare.

Play It By Ear! are CDs aimed to help piano students with the aural sections of their piano examinations. 

As piano students ourselves, we felt there was not enough material out there to help us and many other piano students across the country with the ear tests, which can be challenging.

Thus, we came up with the idea: Play It By Ear!

The aural tests are just as significant as any other section in the piano grade examinations. These ear tests train your musical ear and help you to make that important connection between listening to music and playing music. Having a "musical ear" is one of the most essential skills for any musician to acquire. 

Our CDs are designed for students to play at home and give them the sense that they're actually in their exams, answering the aural tests. 

Our CD's focus on the following sections of the aural tests: 

  • Memory: Rhythm Tests: For all Grades: (1-7)
  • Memory: Melody Tests: For all Grades: (1-8)

(Grade 8 piano students do not do Rhythm Memory Tests in their piano exam.)

Our main objective is to provide a practice aid for students with their aural tests, (that are equivalent to the Royal Irish Academy of Music Standard).

After all, "Practice is the key".-

Play It By Ear!

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